Life Style

Life Style · 2021/03/31
Nowadays, because of global warming, the cherry trees in Tokyo break out into a pink cloud of blossoms during late March instead of early April. This spring, people are enjoying cherry blossoms in small groups, keeping social distancing. (above: Yoyogi Park, 2021.03.26)
Life Style · 2021/03/25
For my daily exercise in the Covid-19 pandemic days, I started to do cycling with a fold-up bicycle in neighboring Yoyogi Park, central Tokyo. The cycling road of the park is seen at the left end in the photograph.
Life Style · 2021/02/24
In Japan, ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms is a symbol of ending of winter. In Tokyo, the flowering time of ume is more than one month before cherry blossoms. Today, I visited this park to do cycling exercise. (photo: Komazawa Olympic Park ,Tokyo, 2021.02.24)
Life Style · 2020/12/11
On Japanese discarded things sale website "Mercari", I found a very cheap fish-eye lens(Nikon!) attachable to my old digital camera. I got the lens immediately, and took a photo by the old(17 years ago type) camera set on trial. (above)
Life Style · 2020/11/09
When I was looking for photographs for combination with my music in youtube, I found a Japanese website of photo contribution for amateur photographers. Now, I often contribute my photographs to the site named "GANREF".
Life Style · 2020/07/29
Since 22nd July, I've been living in my mountain lodge nestled deep in the forest. Here, plants, animals and microorganisms are all doing their job as part of the ecosysytem, no matter what is happening in the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Life Style · 2020/07/18
Because my PC is rather old model, I prepared a webcam (left) and a headphone with mike (right) for my teleworking. This is the first time that I've attended a teleconference with about 10 persons on business.
Life Style · 2020/06/13
I have started "a simple sentence blog in English" for my exercise in English composition and vocabulary.